We want to help you to write reviews on Finques Feliu in a quick way

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| Feliu Brand

1. The birth of the review  


Dictionary defines review as follows: 'abstract, on a book, picture, científic article i which is published in a newspaper, magazine or blog".

The first review of history in a scientific journal appeared in 1665 when Madame de Sablé wrote it in the Journal des çavans. It was about the book "Maxims" by François de la Roche-Foucauld. The opinion was intended to popularize the writer, who, as a funny thing, Roche-Foucauld never got to read the review.


2. Challenges in the age of social media: the brand image at stake!


Nowadays it would be almost impossible for an author not to read the review: he/she would find out about it from the Internet, television or some social network. Precisely, the use of the latter has multiplied the public to whom the reviews reach.

In this scenario, reviews can modify the 'brand image' of companies. They now condition future customer purchasing decisions and can trigger reputation crises


3. Make it easy for you to visualize the reviews and write them: a commitment that involves our entire team and has guided the renovation of our website this 2023 


To achieve fifty opinions is a milestone, but it does not have the same impact on the Internet as exceeding four hundred and fifty (such as Finques Feliu). However, let's be clear: the job of encouraging customers to leave their opinion about our services or products never ends: the more people write about your company, the more diminishes the suspicion hint that has haunted reviews since Madame de Sablé's first one .

At Finques Feliu, trust is one of the values of our brand. The most direct way to it is to be a transparent company. We believe in it so much that, now the opinions are integrated into our website in the blog section. There on the right hand side of the texts:

- Our overall rating

- Under this qualification all the opinions

- The last five are highlighted.

Click here and write your review right now

Our policy is clear: to answer to all of them. Nevertheless, this principle has only one exception: those opinions where there are explicit insults will not be answered because respect comes first


4. Epilogue: I am still skeptical about the reviews, show me even more their value

We accept the challenge. There are at least five advantages that the person or company with reviews enjoys:

a) They influence consumers' decision making: As mentioned in point two, many people rely on the opinions of other customers to evaluate the quality, reliability and value of a product or service before buying or contracting a service. Positive reviews increase the likelihood that consumers will choose your products or services. 

b) Improving online reputation: Consistency in encouraging customers and suppliers to give their opinion about the brand builds a solid online reputation. 

c) Direct feedback from customers: You can get feedback on what they like about your products or services and identify areas for improvement. This increases customer satisfaction and leads you to make informed decisions for the growth of your company.

d) Competitive advantage: When customers see that your company has many positive reviews, they are more likely to choose you over the competition. 

e) SEO and online visibility: They boost your company's position in search engines. These value the reviews and user interaction.

At Finques Feliu, reviews also motivate us to do our job better!