Hire always a home insurance policy

03 | 06 | 19
| Feliu Brand

When we suffer a disaster at home we feel: overwelmed and vulnerable. ourselves, our loved beings or our pets, can suffer injuries. In these circumstances no one thinks clearly. For this reason it is not the best moment to face an unexpected cost. To avoid this, we recommend that you always hire a home insurance. Yes, you assume a cost however,  you are protected against multiple losses.

There are many insurances depending on their price, the sinisters' 'catalog' will be different. The most common to be covered are: fires, leaks, damages to third parties, electrical breakdowns and thefts. Now, there are also insurances that cover less frequent incidents. Are you absent minded? Are you in a hurry? Are you thinking about that job interview that worries you? Are you thinking on the work that already you have? In that first date that excites you? These are three different thoughts but that can lead you to the same: lose your home keys.

You take a glance and you do not find them, you look around ... you do not see them and of course you get nervous. We advise you several things:

1. Leave a copy of the keys to a neighbor of absolute confidence: it is an ideal preventive action. In case of have taken this action, when you lose the keys you can get in touch with this person and open the door without any problems. In addition, there are many types of keyrings that are useful, cheap and functional.

2. Calm down: you need a few seconds to rethink on your last actions at home before closing the door. Recent scientific studies show that our brain uses 'automatized actions': sometimes perhaps it has happened  that you do not remember if you have performed the precise action of closing the door?, and you have done it! This implies that when you lose the keys there are two time spaces that you will remember separately: 1. Before closing the door 2. After crossing the threshold. To remember and overcome brain automatitzation you have to focus on. See if the key has fallen before the door is closed because that moment is 'erased' by your brain.

3. Remake the way paying attention: if you can not open the door  try to open the door without keys with a credit card or x-ray. Is useless? You will have to call the locksmith and he will charge you for his services. In case of being insured against the loss of keys the insurance will assume this cost.

Everyone should be insured!