European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2020

19 | 10 | 20
| Feliu Brand

European Week for Safety and Health at Work is an opportunity to see where we are and look
to the future.

Is it important to avoid accidents on the way to and from work? The question is provocative
and has an intuitive answer. However, like any process of the European integration, its
implementation was slow but sure. Thus, in 1989 the European Union (EU) adopted the
framework directive on Health and Safety at Work and five years later the European Agency
for Health at Work (EU-OSHA) was founded and finally in 1997 the first statistics on this topic
were published by Eurostat.

The accidents at work or in itinere (moving to it) attempt against: the physical and
psychological integrity of those who suffer them and, in not few cases, kill. In addition, they
have associated economic costs: medical attention to recover the injured person, lower
aggregate productivity, hours not worked, possible temporary or permanent disability of the
injured person, etc.

Taking into account the seriousness of the challeng for workers and employers, the EU, as part
of the celebration, proposes two blocks of goals. On the one hand, to alert workers to the risks
at work so that we all learn to combat the risks in our workplace and evaluate them, and on
the other hand, to make companies aware of the need to draw up effective prevention plans.

In Finques Feliu we feel morally motivated and we are legally obliged to train on occupational
risks and to take the appropriate measures to avoid them
. Therefore, our Human Resources
department works in strict compliance with the law in force in Spain, the 31/1995 on
prevention of occupational hazards.

We must never forget that the 80% of national legislation comes from EU. So Europe rules the fate of its
member States. For this reason, here you can acces to the  European Agency for Safety and Health at
lists the history of the Directives until today.  

We fight for be prepared in case the EU approves new directives to strengthen public policies in this area.

Besides keeping an eye on the legislation, in our blog we have dealt with the subject from two
different angles:

1. The prevention of occupational hazards in a community of owners and 2.By preventing the sick builiding syndrome.

From Feliu we wish a future in which prosperity and security will be tied.