10 FAQ's on bulding's book

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| Real Estate
  • Llibre edifici pla de manteniment

To finish January we study all which is involved in the Building's Book. Next week we will solve FAQ's about the Technical Building Inspection. There is a link between both subjects due to the fact that the Technical Buildings Inspection (TBI),  when it is overcomed, has to be an information integrated in the Building's Book.

Introduction: Building's Book and health record: two sides of the same coin

The Building's Book is for a building the same as the health record is for a person. The Buildings Book and the health record share the same goal: to formulate a diagnosis aimed at adopting corrective measures for the detected lacks.

First part: Building's Book as a legal document:

The fact that the Building's Book is mentioned by the legislator implies that we cannot consider it as something "strange". On the contrary, since not complying with the legislation has serious consequences, it is necessary to make an effort to familiarize yourself with it, we will help you right away!  

1. How is the Building's Book (hereinafter BB) defined?

"The set of documents or files, whatever their format, that provide information about the characteristics of the building (...)". Source: Decree 67/2015 of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

2. Why must everyone know the BB?

Because there is the legal principle of publicity of the laws: "none of us can argue that we did not comply with a legislation because we did not know it". 

3. Which administration regulates the BB?

The competent administration to legislate on the BB is the 'Generalitat de Catalunya'.

The promotion of the rehabilitation, in the municipality of Barcelona, is a competence of the 'Consorci de l'Habitatge de Barcelona', for the Metropolitan Area in this territorial area the competent is the 'Consorci d'habitatge de l'àrea Metropolitana'.

Source: Fourth additional provision of Decree 67/2015. 

Do you want more information about the distribution of competences in housing? Access here to our article of the last Saturday of January.

4. What specific provision develops the legislative power of the Generalitat de Catalunya in inspection, conservation and improvement of buildings?

Decree 67/2015, in force since 27th May 2015, seeks the "Promotion of the duty of conservation, maintenance and
rehabilitation of residential buildings, through technical inspections and the building book.
Here you can consult the whole decree (text in Spanish). 

Second part: What do we need to know about the BB to the  Owners' Communities or as unique  building's proprietor ?

How to ensure that the building where we live meets the requirements of the BB is the key question of the matter. 

5. What is the scope of application of decree 67/2015?

1. "Single-family or multi-family buildings, where there is the use of habitat, without prejudice that may also contain other uses other than residential. (...)"

Extract: Article 3 of decree 67/2015.

6. What is the minimum content of the BB according to decree 67/2015?

According to article 23 of decree 67/2015 it is the following:

"(a) The instructions or recommendations for the use and maintenance of the building and its installations.
b) The archive of documents.
c) The register of incidents".

7. What specific documentation does the BB of a new building need? 

It is important to emphasize that the BB exists as soon as the construction of the building is finished.

The documentation required for a new building is divided in three main thematic blocks:

a) Register documents such us:

- Initial data of the building

- Record of incidents

- Record of maintenance and repair operations.

b) Document of Technical Specifications of the building (DTS), signed by the competent technician, with for example:

- Plans of at least 1:100 scale with elevations and sections of the final state of the building.

- Foundation and structure plans, at least 1:100 scale, with the corresponding construction details.

- Diagrams of the main materials and solutions used in the construction of the existing installation networks and safety systems.

Archive of documents with for example:

- The licenses in which the construction of the building is included and those that authorize the general occupation of the dwelling and the operation of common installations, with specification of the date of the concession or application.

- The certificate of the end of the construction work.

- The public deed of declaration of new construction.

Here you can access all the documentation required for a new construction. 

8. Does the BB have to be formalized in any way before the administration? How long does it take to register the maintenance operations in the BB? 

Obviously because, for the Administration, what is not formalized does not exist.

Let's quote article 26 of Decree 67/2015:

"1. (...) the building book initially has to be formed, as a minimum, by the technical inspection report and the document accrediting delivery to the Administration (...)".

With regard to the registration of maintenance operations, these must be registered during the month after they are carried out.

9.  Does the Community of Owners or I, if I am the unique owner of a building, have to take care of the BB?

Absolutely.  The legal obligation to develop the BB in a safe place is included in article 25 of Decree 67/2015). This is obligated since the ITE obtains the "Aptitude Certificate".

At Finques Feliu we recommend you to make the administrator risponsible for BB. He/she must facilitate its consultation, upon request, of the interested owners. 

10. I understand that the LE has to be kept updated because the law says so, but is it really necessary?

You can't doubt about it. An updated BB has an advantage that everyone can understand: it shows the whole history of the building.

 Knowing where we started from and where we are now will be especially necessary when the TBI detects deficiencies in the building. Thus when these, in a period not exceeding one year, are solved, this information will be clarifying for everyone (in the case of any technical architect this information will be invaluable).

Share this text, we have provided a lot of useful information for the Owners' Assembly.